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 Memo/scanned file    Put multiple records of a scanned file next to a memo

 Do you know how to print data from a scanned file next to a word wrapped
 memo field?

 I want this:

              Description        Responsibility
     --------------------------  ---------------
     This is a memo field which   Joe            <-- from scanned
     is word wrapped and I need   Nancy              file
     to print the a multiple set  Bob
     of names, one next to each   Jane
     line of the memo field, if
     there are that many ...

 instead of this:

             Description         Responsibility
     --------------------------  ---------------
     This is a memo field which   Joe
     is word wrapped and I need
     to print the a multiple set
     of names, one next to each
     line of the memo field, if
     there are that many ...

 There is a rather convoluted method that you might want to consider that
 will allow you to get the desired effect. What you do is create a recursive
 calculated field that concatenates the name field from all of your records
 together with some semicolons (;) to provide the word wrap.

 What you need is a recursive calculated field. Let's say you need all of
 the names for a department to wrap. Then on a department group footer line
 of your report you would place the memo and then next to it would be a
 calculated field called WRAPNAME With the expression:


 so that as we read the first name for the dept the value of WRAPNAME is
 the first name. For each other name in the department we append the
 current name to the wrapname, interspaced with a semicolon to force the
 new line. The trim is used to remove trailing blanks. All you need for
 this to work is new line on semicolon set to yes and a string of names
 that is less than 254 characters.

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